
——实现企业生产智能化 - 连续化 - 高效化——


2190 2013.03.30 1
1.产品的竞争:体现在产品质量的稳定,产品系列的齐全,产品应用领域的丰富等方面。由于不干胶复杂的多层结构,基本的"三明治"结构面材,粘胶剂和底 纸以及面材和粘胶剂涂底层,粘胶剂和底纸之间的涂硅层等,其中的哪一个环节出现质量或者涂布上的问题都会最终影响到不干胶标签的质量。所以稳定的原材料质 量,先进的涂布技术,优良的生产控制管理都将起到决定性的作用。另外先进的开发技术和研发能力都将影响到产品的系列,应用领域和功能。
2.服 务的竞争:售前服务的设立,能够有效地把客户的订单信息转化为生产。配送网络的完善,特别是经济发达地区和竞争激烈地区的配送系统,直接影响到印刷厂订单 投向哪一家供应商。附加值服务项目不断推出,如:增大卷长,减少接头,客户需求的定制等,都是在服务上的不断延伸。同质量的产品,服务将很容易成为决定性 的因素,提高服务水平需要成本和丰富的管理经验,这将在未来的竞争中不断体现出来。
3.品牌的竞争:如今是个注重品牌的时代,在各供应商产品 质量,价格,服务各方面差异逐渐缩小时,品牌效应将起到指导作用。不干胶标签行业的从业人员素质不断提升,以专业的形象出现。既要处理客户商务上的安排, 又要有能力解决客户印刷上的问题,同时具有更专业的产品知识,专业地协助客户在产品设计,生产流程上出现的问题。也只有专业的公司才可以培养专业的人才, 好的品牌会带给客户更多这方面的承诺。强大的市场渗透率不但在印刷行业客户中建立影响,同时更渗透到各个行业最终使用到标签的用户,比如宝洁,柯达等公 司。在直接客户和最终用户中树立品牌,协助直接客户更好地为最终用户服务,解决各种需求和问题。
4.速度效率的竞争:市场信息的搜集反馈,按 需生产和供货能力,生产效率,新产品的研发速度等,这些都体现速度和效率的竞争,也体现了企业自身的综合实力。客户更加愿意看到不干胶标签供应商能以更快 的速度去满足他们稍纵即逝的生意机会。在未来的竞争中市场、销售、生产、配送、研发等每个环节的速度,效率都将为不干胶标签供应商带来巨大的竞争优势。
  Label penetration to various industries in various fields, self-adhesive labels with its unique advantages and innovative applications well developed in all fields.
Stickers market competition is the all-round competition, product competition, service competition, brand competition can even be said that the speed competition.
Product competition: reflects the stability of the product quality, complete product range, product rich applications and other aspects. Stickers complex multi-layer structure, the basic "sandwich" structure of the surface material, adhesives and the end of the paper, as well as face material and adhesive coated on the ground floor, between the adhesive and backing paper coated silicon layer, which which part of a quality or coating on the issues will ultimately affect the quality of the sticker. Stable raw material quality, state-of-the-art coating technology, excellent production control management will play a decisive role. In addition the development of advanced technology and research and development capabilities will affect a series of products, applications and functions.
Service competition: the establishment of the pre-service, effective customer orders into production. Perfect distribution network, especially in economically developed regions and competitive distribution system, directly affect the printing order to invest in which a supplier. Value-added services has introduced, such as: increased volumes long, connectors, customers demand customized service continues to extend. With the quality of products and services will be very easy to become a decisive factor costs and extensive management experience is required to improve the level of service, which will continue to be reflected in the next competition.
3 brand competition: Today is a focus on the era of the brand and suppliers product quality, price, services differentials narrowing branding will play a guiding role. The sticker industry practitioners improve the quality of professional image appears. Arrangements to deal with both the customer business, but also have the ability to solve problems on the client printing, at the same time have a more professional product knowledge, professional help customers on product design, production processes. Only a professional company can develop professional talent, good brand will give customers more commitments in this regard. Strong market penetration is not only to establish the impact of the printing industry customers, but also penetrated into various industries eventually use to label the user, such as Procter & Gamble, Kodak and other companies. Direct customers and end-users to establish a brand, to help direct customers better service for the end user to solve a variety of needs and problems.
4 speed efficiency of competition: the collection of market information feedback, on-demand production and supply capacity, production efficiency, new product development speed, these refl